Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. ex K. Schum.

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Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. ex K. Schum.

Family Bignoniaceae
Species Markhamia stipulata (Wall.) Seem. ex K. Schum.
Region Sagaing Region
Locality MYANMAR: Sagaing Division; in dry forest at the summit of a hill near Hpowindaung, ESE of Yinmabin.
Latitude 22°03'16″ Longitude 94°58'40″ Altitude 290
Notes Plant ca 5 m in height. Flowers yellow.
Collectors Shiro Kobayashi & Motohiro Hamaguchi
Collectors No 031610
Date 7 December 2004
MBK No 0100713

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