Aeschynanthus superbus C.B.Clarke

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Aeschynanthus superbus C.B.Clarke

Family Gesneriaceae
Species Aeschynanthus superbus C.B.Clarke
Region Kachin State
Locality MYANMAR: Kachin State; northeast of Shinbweyan.
Latitude 26°42'50"-26°43'12" Longitude 96°12'53"-96°13'06" Altitude 170-195
Notes In evergreen forest, by stream.
Epiphytic vine; flowers and bracts red, corolla lobes with dark red lines.
Collectors Jin Murata, Shiro Kobayashi, Yoshihiro Hayami & Michihisa Takashima
Collectors No 040756
Date 9 December 2005
MBK No 0140249

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