Crotalaria ferruginea Grah. ex Benth.

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Crotalaria ferruginea Grah. ex Benth.

Family Fabaceae
Species Crotalaria ferruginea Grah. ex Benth.
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: CHIN State; along the walking trail between Hilong Village and the junction of 14 miles from Mindat, Mindat Township, Natma Taung National Park.
Latitude 21°22′10.6″ Longitude 93°49′17.5″ Altitude 1740
Notes Pine forest. Sunny place.
Flowers yellow.
Collectors Kazumi Fujikawa, Kenji Kano, Mitsuo Matsumoto, Shigeo Yasuda & Hong Mang
Collectors No 053156
Date 5 August 2008
MBK No 0221648

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