Euonymus theifolius Wall. ex Lawson

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Euonymus theifolius Wall. ex Lawson

Family Celastraceae
Species Euonymus theifolius Wall. ex Lawson
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: Chin State; 3-4 miles from the entrance of National Park, along the roadside between Kanpetlet and 10 miles base camp of Natma Taung (Mt. Victoria), Natma Taung National Park.
Latitude Longitude Altitude ca. 2200
Notes Evergreen forest. Growth on forest edge, shade, roadside. Climber.
Collectors Kazumi Fujikawa, Hiroshi Ikeda, Motohiro Hamaguchi, Nobuko Yamamoto, Prachaya Srisanga (QSBG), Myint Myint San, Ling Shein Man & Law Shein
Collectors No 086956
Date 21 February 2012
MBK No 0240012

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