Piptanthus nepalensis (Hook.) Sweet

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Piptanthus nepalensis (Hook.) Sweet

Family Fabaceae
Species Piptanthus nepalensis (Hook.) Sweet
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: Chin State; along the roadside between the summit of Natma Taung (Mt. Victoria) National Park and Khin village, Kanpetlet Township.
Latitude 21°23'09.66" Longitude 94°29'45.06" Altitude 2955
Notes Evergreen forest, roadside.
Shrub ca. 2 m in height. Fruits green.
Collectors Mu Mu Aung, Ling Shein Mang, Law Shine & Aung Htay
Collectors No 092009
Date 15 June 2013
MBK No 0250242

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