Hedychium × natmataungense Nob.Tanaka, nothospec. nov.

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Hedychium × natmataungense Nob.Tanaka, nothospec. nov.

Family Zingiberaceae
Species Hedychium × natmataungense Nob.Tanaka, nothospec. nov.
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: Chin State; on the forest floor of tropical forest, Kampetlet, Natma Taung (Mt. Victoria) National Park.
Latitude Longitude Altitude ca. 750-1000
Notes Plant ca.2 m tall; flower orange-yellow, fragrant; bract green. (cult. No. 20020399)
Collectors Nobuyuki Tanaka
Collectors No 10-59
Date 5 December 2002
MBK No 0226149

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