Vitex trifolia L.

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Vitex trifolia L.

Family Lamiaceae
Scientific Name Vitex trifolia L.
Vernacular name Kyaung-pan
Region Shan State
Locality MYANMAR: Shan State; around Myinka village, Kalaw Township.
Latitude 20°39'54.3'' Longitude 96°34'52.7'' Altitude 1422
Notes Roadside, sunny place. Shrub 1 m in height. Fruits blue.
Use Medicinal plant: dry leaf powder consumed orally for body swollen and tinnitus, decoction of flowers leaves consumed orally for malaria, decoction of flowers and leaves used for medicinal bath at postpartum period for mother, mother have to rest for one week in separate room and take medicinal shower
Collectors Thant Shin, Tin Ko Ko & Tin Zaw
Collector No TS0029
Date 5 June 2015
MBK No 0312519

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