Anisochilus pallidus Wall. ex Benth.

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Anisochilus pallidus Wall. ex Benth.

Family Lamiaceae
Species Anisochilus pallidus Wall. ex Benth.
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: CHIN State: Yelongpan village, along the new pathway between Kanpetlet and Yelongpan village, Natma Taung National Park.
Latitude 21°13′05.6″ Longitude 94°03′38.5″ Altitude 1460
Notes Evergreen forest. Sunny open place on trail side.
Herb, 1-1.2 m. Flowers purple.
Collectors Kazumi Fujikawa, Ling Shein Man & Maung Nu
Collectors No 082014
Date 8 December 2009
MBK No 0235068

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