Anneslea fragrans Wall.

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Family Pentaphylacaceae
Species Anneslea fragrans Wall.
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: Chin State; between Ohn Village and Lone Pan Village, Mindat Township, Natma Taung National Park.
Latitude 21°20′12.22″ Longitude 93°46′20.01″ Altitude 2083
Notes Tree 15 m high, 40 cm diam, single-stem. Fruits green. Young leaves red.
Collectors Prachaya Srisanga, Monthon Norsaengsri (QBG); Robert Unwin (E); Michele Rodda (SING); Eric Schuettpelz (US); Tin Tin Mu & Ling Shein Man (Forest Department)
Collectors No 097624
Date 6 March 2014
MBK No 0258894

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