Aristolochia pierrei Lecomte

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Family Aristolochiaceae
Species Aristolochia pierrei Lecomte
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: CHIN STATE, along the roadside between the Chin Village Resort and the entrance to the trail to the top of Mt. Victoria, Natma Taung National Park, Western Myanmar.
Latitude 21°12′44″ Longitude 93°59′37″ Altitude ca. 2430-2540
Collectors J. Murata, N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, T. Nemoto, Y. Iokawa, F. Shimozono, Hung Maung, Ling Shing Maung & Cho Cho Win
Collectors No 025024
Date 4 December 2002
MBK No 0059009

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