Debregeasia longifolia (Burm.f.) Wedd.

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Debregeasia longifolia (Burm.f.) Wedd.

Family Urticaceae
Species Debregeasia longifolia (Burm.f.) Wedd.
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: Chin State; along the roadside between entrance of National Park and Hla Long Pan village, Natma Taung National Park.
Latitude 21°20′30.36″ Longitude 94°03′0.24″ Altitude 1950
Notes Secondary forest, forest edge. Shrub ca. 3 m in height.
Fruits green when the mature orange.
Collectors Mu Mu Aung, Ling Shein Mang, Law Shine & Aung Htay
Collectors No 092089
Date 17 June 2013
MBK No 0250309

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