Dendrolobium olivaceum (Prain) Schindl.

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Dendrolobium olivaceum (Prain) Schindl.

Family Fabaceae
Species Dendrolobium olivaceum (Prain) Schindl.
Region Sagaing Region
Locality MYANMAR: SAGAING DIVISION; along the Karaw Chauk stream, south of Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park.
Latitude 22°19'10" Longitude 94°28'10" Altitude 300-320
Notes Tree ca. 3 m in height.
Collectors Jin Murata, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Nobuhito Kuroiwa, Park Hyunsun, U Aung Maung, U Zaw Htoo Aung, U Aung Phyo Wai, U Myint Saung & Mg Thet Soe Oo
Collectors No 031917
Date 27 January 2005
MBK No 0109040

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