Heterosmilax cryptandra T. Koyama sp. nov.

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Heterosmilax cryptandra T. Koyama sp. nov.

Family Smilacaceae
Species Heterosmilax cryptandra T. Koyama sp. nov.
Region Kachin State
Locality MYANMAR: Kachin State; 9-10 miles from Shinbweyan toward Pansaung, near the border of Sagaing Division.
Latitude 26°47′14″-26°47′53″ Longitude 96°12′20″-96°12′34″ Altitude 1080-1100
Notes Edge of evergreen forest.
Vine ca. 4 m high.
Collectors Jin Murata, Shiro Kobayashi, Yoshihiro Hayami & Michihisa Takashima
Collectors No 040718
Date 7 December 2005
MBK No 0139449

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