Image Family Species Locality Date Collectors & No MBK No
Fabaceae Millettia brandisiana KurzMYANMAR: CHIN STATE, along the roadside, near Saw Town, Natmataung National Park, Western Myanmar. 9 June 2002 N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, N. Murakami, K. Aoki, S. Sakai, K. Watanabe & Khin Myo Htwe; 023046 0060028
Fabaceae Bauhinia acuminata L.MYANMAR: MANDALAY DIVISION: near the bridge over the Irrawaddy River, between Popa Mountain Park and Pyin Oo Lwin. 11 June 2002 N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, S. Sakai, K. Aoki, A. Tanaka, H. Miwa, Than Than Aye & Khin Myo Htwe.; 023902 0058983
Fabaceae Dalbergia cultrata Grah. ex Benth.MYANMAR: Mandalay Division: along the roadside to Ye Nge House, Popa Mountain Park, Kyaukpadaung Township, central Myanmar. 12 April 2002 Khin Myo Htwe; 023927 0060075
Fabaceae Cassia fistula L.MYANMAR: Mandalay Division: along the trail to the peak of Mt. Popa via U German cave, Popa Mountain Park, Kyaukpadaung Township, central Myanmar. 23 August 2002 Khin Myo Htwe; 023999 0067225
Fabaceae Clitoria ternatea L.MYANMAR: Mandalay Division: near the Environmental Education Center, Popa Mountain Park, Kyaukpadaung Township, central Myanmar. 24 August 2002 Khin Myo Htwe; 024013 0050788
Fabaceae Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin & BarnebyMYANMAR: Mandalay Division: near the Environmental Education Center, Popa Mountain Park, Kyaukpadaung Township, central Myanmar. 25 August 2002 Khin Myo Htwe; 024041 0050774
Fabaceae Spatholobus parviflorus (DC.) O. KtzeMYANMAR: Mandalay Division: near the Environmental Education Center, Popa Mountain Park, Kyaukpadaung Township, central Myanmar. 28 August 2002 Khin Myo Htwe; 024054 0050777
Fabaceae Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir.MYANMAR: Mandalay Division: near the Environmental Education Center, Popa Mountain Park, Kyaukpadaung Township, central Myanmar. 30 August 2002 Khin Myo Htwe; 024061 0050742
Fabaceae Pueraria alopecuroides CraibMYANMAR: MANDALAY DIVISION: Peik-Chin-Myaung, near the limestone cave, Pyin Oo Lwin, Upper Myanmar. 13 January 2002 N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, S. Sakai, K. Aoki, A. Tanaka, H. Miwa, Than Than Aye & Khin Myo Htwe.; 021813 0049278
Fabaceae Senna hirsuta (L.) Irwin & BarnebyMYANMAR: MANDALAY DIVISION: Peik-Chin-Myaung, near the limestone cave, Pyin Oo Lwin, Upper Myanmar. 12 January 2002 N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, S. Sakai, K. Aoki, A. Tanaka, H. Miwa, Than Than Aye & Khin Myo Htwe.; 021815 0049276
Fabaceae Crotalaria tetragona Roxb. ex Andr.MYANMAR: MANDALAY DIVISION: Peik-Chin-Myaung, near the limestone cave, Pyin Oo Lwin, Upper Myanmar. 13 January 2002 N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, S. Sakai, K. Aoki, A. Tanaka, H. Miwa, Than Than Aye & Khin Myo Htwe; 021833 0049442
Fabaceae Albizia lucidior (Steud.) I.C. NielsenMYANMAR: MANDALAY DIVISION: Baw Reserve bountary, Pyin Oo Lwin, Upper Myanmar. 14 January 2002 N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, S. Sakai, K. Aoki, A. Tanaka, H. Miwa, Than Than Aye & Khin Myo Htwe.; 021858 0049553