Image Family Species Locality Date Collectors & No MBK No
Acanthaceae Phlogacanthus pubinervius T. AndersonMYANMAR: Chin State; roadside between Matupi and Mindat, approximately 10 miles from Matupi track alongside the Laemio River, Matupi Township, Natma Taung National Park. 12 March 2014 Prachaya Srisanga, Monthon Norsaengsri (QBG); Robert Unwin (E); Michele Rodda (SING); Eric Schuettpelz (US); Tin Tin Mu & Ling Shein Man (Forest Department); 097910 0258701
Actinidiaceae Saurauia napaulensis DC.MYANMAR: Chin State; road through park, start point 6 miles from Park Office walking along the road 1 mile to 7 miles from Park Office, Kanpetlet Township, Natma Taung National Park. 20 February 2014 Prachaya Srisanga, Monthon Norsaengsri (QBG); Robert Unwin (E) & Law Shine (Forest Department); 097008 0258187
Acanthaceae Strobilanthes lamioides T. AndersonMYANMAR: Mandalay Division; Pyin Oo Lwin, Anisakhan waterfall, along trail from the parking place to the waterfall. 8 November 1999 J. Murata, Y. Tateishi, T. Sugawara, H. Nagamasu, Soe Pe, Win Twat; 328 0203607
Acanthaceae Barleria cristata L.MYANMAR: Mandalay Division; Pyin Oo Lwin, Anisakhan waterfall, along trail from the parking place to the waterfall. 8 November 1999 J. Murata, Y. Tateishi, T. Sugawara, H. Nagamasu, Soe Pe, Win Twat; 361 0203465
Acanthaceae Strobilanthes quadrifaria (Wall. ex Nees) Y.F. DengMYANMAR: Mandalay Division; Pyin Oo Lwin, Anisakhan waterfall, along trail from the parking place to the waterfall. 8 November 1999 J. Murata, Y. Tateishi, T. Sugawara, H. Nagamasu, Soe Pe & Win Twat; 361A 0203333
Acanthaceae Adhatoda vasica NeesMYANMAR: SHAN State: along the road to See Kya Enn, Pindaya Township. 29 November 2008 Nobuyuki Tanaka, Takashi Sugawara, Akiyo Naiki & Yu Ito; 080079 0215389
Acanthaceae Hypoestes triflora (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult.MYANMAR: SHAN State: along the road to See Kya Enn, Pindaya Township. 30 November 2008 Nobuyuki Tanaka, Takashi Sugawara, Akiyo Naiki & Yu Ito; 080107 0215371
Acanthaceae Asystasiella neesiana (Wall.) LindaMYANMAR: SHAN State: along the road to the Pagoda, Pindaya Township. 30 November 2008 Nobuyuki Tanaka, Takashi Sugawara, Akiyo Naiki & Yu Ito; 080327 0215760
Acanthaceae Strobilanthes glomerata (Nees) T. AndersonMYANMAR: SHAN State: along the road to See Kya Enn, Pindaya Township. 29 November 2008 Nobuyuki Tanaka, Takashi Sugawara, Akiyo Naiki & Yu Ito; 080475 0215656
Acanthaceae Strobilanthes aprica (Hance) T. Anderson ex Benth.MYANMAR: SHAN State: along the trail to the village, east side shore of Inlay Lake, Nyaung Shwe Township. 4 December 2008 Nobuyuki Tanaka, Takashi Sugawara, Akiyo Naiki & Yu Ito; 080710 0215945
Acanthaceae Hygrophila auriculata (Schum.) HeineMYANMAR: BAGO Division: along the roadside, paddy field, ca. 30 km east of Pyat, Pyat Township. 7 December 2008 Nobuyuki Tanaka, Takashi Sugawara, Akiyo Naiki & Yu Ito; 080762 0216024
Acanthaceae Neuracanthus tetragonoides NeesMYANMAR: BAGO Division: ca. 30 km southwest of Pyat, Pyat Township. 7 December 2008 Nobuyuki Tanaka, Takashi Sugawara, Akiyo Naiki & Yu Ito; 080802 0216106