Platostoma coloratum (D. Don) A. J. Paton

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Platostoma coloratum (D. Don) A. J. Paton

Family Lamiaceae
Species Platostoma coloratum (D. Don) A. J. Paton
Region Chin State
Locality MYANMAR: Chin State; along the roadside between Taingsi village and Hakha road, near the foothill of Natma Taung (Mt. Victoria), Matupi Township, Natma Taung National Park.
Latitude 21°50'59.58" Longitude 93°27'34.44" Altitude 2050
Notes Evergreen forest, forest edge. Shrub ca. 1 m in height.
Flowers white.
Collectors Mu Mu Aung, Law Shine & Law Shein Aung
Collectors No 092506
Date 15 July 2013
MBK No 0251775

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